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en Paradise. Fall. Hurricane Joan. Erupting volcanoes with falling eagle. Angry-looking Sandino. R[…] about 1988 Batahola Community Center, Batahola Norte, Managua, Nicaragua
en Plaza 23 de Julio León, Nicaragua
en Portrait of German Pomares. Row of armed revolutionaries. Peasant writing «Ser cultos para ser libres» Juventud Sandinista, Jinotega, Nicaragua
en Pre-Columbian and folkloric motifs, masks, flowers. «Muerte al yanqui invasor». Portraits of […] Mercado Colonial (four interior walls), Masaya, Nicaragua
en Ruben Darío as poet laureate, amid mythic, literary, and historical allusions 1988 Casa de Cultura (interior wall), Granada, Nicaragua
en Sandinista logos. Captured U.S. mercenary Eugene Hasenfus Basketball Court, San Carlos, Nicaragua
en Sandino and dove before rising sun, and ploughed field. Row of hands holding rifle, book, penci[…] Nindirí, Park, Masaya, Nicaragua
en Sandino. Militants with red and black FSLN banners. Fourth anniversary logo. Carlos Fonseca about 1983 Nindirí, Park, Masaya, Nicaragua
en Sea. Landscape. Village life Nindirí, Park, Masaya, Nicaragua
en Shooting at plane from hilltop. Eugene Hasenfus On wall near riverfront, San Carlos, Nicaragua
en Union Nicaragüense de Agricultores y Ganaderos UNAG, Escuela Agropecuaria Near railway line (outside town), León, Nicaragua
en Universidad de León, Nicaragua. Edificio Ciencias Basica León, Nicaragua
en Universidad Politécnica (UPOLI) in Managua, courtyard Managua, Nicaragua
en Various primiti vist decorations Church, Solentiname, Nicaragua
es Vencimos, somos libres, jamas volveremos a ser esclavos about 1981 Bluefields, Nicaragua
en Volcano. La Gigantona. Ppopular festival. Bull. Dances 1987 Hospital, Centro de Atencion Psico-Social Alfonso Cortes, León, Nicaragua
en We want to learn to read and write. Just waiting for you, brothers. National Literacy Crusade, […] about 1980 Bluefields, Nicaragua
en Woman's head 1983 CEMOAR, Carretera Sur 11 km, Managua, Nicaragua
en Christiane Sandino. 1 de julio triumphant guerilla. Construction by danish volunteers. Education. Ploughin[…] 1988 Escuela Primero de Julio, Sébaco, Nicaragua
en Acuña Moya, Alejandra Cordillera of Andes. Silhouettes of campesinos. Transparent portraits of Allende and Sandino. S[…] about 1984 Escuela Militar Silvio Mayorga, vieja carretera de Leon 63 km (Salvador Allende auditorium), León, Nicaragua
Canifrú, Victor
en Aguílar, Edgardo Battle of Emanuel Mongalo against William Walker in Rivas (1857) 1989 AMNLAE Center (inside), Rivas, Nicaragua
Váldez, Alvaro
en Aguilar, Gerardo «El Futuro está en nuestras manos»: Jaguar petroglyph pattern below natives with pottery, ne[…] 1987 Gymnasio Umberto Méndez (rear exterior wall, near park), Rivas, Nicaragua
Danzig, Phillip
Gómes Segura, Gustavo Javier
en Aguilár, Marcia Women at work: Embracing a child. Sewing an orange and blue banner that extends over two-thirds[…] 1984 AMNLAE (former women's association building, now a Shell station), Jinotepe, Nicaragua
Asher, Rikki
Campos, Marvin
es Aguirre, Julie Village life 1980 Luis Alfonso Velásquez Park, Managua, Nicaragua
García, Manuel
Vogl, Hilda
en Alberto, Carlos «Todo sera mejor»: FSLN fighting National Guard, with banner «No mas Somoza». Human pyramid[…] 1989 Plaza 23 de Julio, León, Nicaragua
Hoogland, Gerarda
Pulido, Daniel
en Alewitz, Mike Mother Earth (Animal fantasies) 1989 Hospital Infantil Manuel de Jesús Rivera "La Mascota", Managua, Nicaragua
en Alewitz, Mike Portrait of Che Guevara, flanked by flags of FSLN and socialism. Inscribed «Che Comandante, Vo[…] 1988 Casa Juventud Sandinista, Estelí, Nicaragua
en Alewitz, Mike «El es la sonrisa en los niñios que le vieron con su traje de payaso iluminando el futuro que[…] 1988 Escuela Nicaragua (Spanish language school for foreigners; since May 1990, private house), Estelí, Nicaragua
en Alewitz, Mike Silhouette of Sandino, his body made up of Nicaraguan symbols and the word «Democracía», his[…] Parque de Bomberos (entrance on street), León, Nicaragua
en Alicia, Juana El Amanecer: Against a huge flourishing chilamate tree, child and adult being taught to write b[…] 1986 Teachers' Union Building and Móngalo School, Plaza España, Parque de las Madres, Managua, Nicaragua
Bergman, Miranda
Cerrato, Boanerges