www.mural.ch: werke

dieser beitrag wurde verfasst in: englisch (eng/en)

künstler: Oliver Lake, Than Htay Muang

titel: The Jazz House

jahr: after 2009

adresse: Sampsonia Way, Pittsburgh PA, USA

+: «The fourth House Publication, The Jazz House, is a collaboration between jazz musician Oliver Lake and artist Than Htay Muang. Lake, who is also an artist, created small-scale paintings that Than Htay Muang made into maquettes for the larger house paintings. The main image, a giant, multicolored safety pin with the words 'Just Be Good,' stems from Lake’s childhood memory of an eccentric man in the neighborhood: “This man would walk around in a top coat and hat, even in the sweltering summer. He covered his coat with safety pins and whenever he met a child, he would pin a safety pin on their shirt and declare that they are now in the Club.” The man told Oliver that the only requirement to remain in the Club was: 'Just be good.'»

(Sylvia Rhor)

  • muang_lake_pittsburgh01kl.jpg