On Xavier Guerrero, in: Wolfe, The Fabulous Life of Diego Rivera (dieser beitrag wurde verfasst in: englisch)
eingetragen von Alex Winiger am 16.03.2016, 10:34 (email senden)
Xavier Guerrero, who completed the trimvirate [of leaders of the Communist Party of Mexico and the Sindicato Revolucionario de Obreros Técnicos y Plásticos], was in all things the opposite of Siqueiros. A full-blooded Indian, stocky, solid, with straight black "horse-tail" hair, burnished coppery skin, high cheekbones, impassive countenance, he is uncommunicative, slow of thought and action. Among his friends he is known al el Perico — the parrot — because he never talks. He assisted Rivera successively in the Preparatoria, the Education Building, and the Agricultural School at Chapingo, did a number of woodcuts for El Machete, became a silent member of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico, made several unimportant attempts at independent painting and sculpture, gradually drifted out of painting, worked as a Communist organizer among the peasants, where his uncommunicativeness made them feel he was one of them though they never heard enough from his lips to know what he was trying to teach. After spending three years in the Lenin School in Moscow, he devotes himself today to drawing uninspired political cartoons and carring on his unimaginative, unthinking work for the Communist Party of which he is an official.