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name: Kent
vorname: Rockwell
wikidata-repräsentation: Q114405
gnd-repräsentation: 118830252
biografische angaben: * June 21, 1882 in Tarrytown Heights, New York, † March 13, 1971 in Plattsburg, New York. American painter, printmaker, illustrator, and writer. From the second half of the 1930s on he positioned on the left, notably as president of the Union of American Artists UAA in the 1930s and of the following successing organisation Artists League of America in the 1940s. As one of few American artist to exhibit in the Sovjet Union during the cold war he donated several hundred of his paintings, prints and drawings to the Soviet peoples and became therefore an honorary member of the Soviet Academy of Fine Arts, receiving the Lenin Peace Prize in 1967.