www.mural.ch: akteure

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name: Holle

vorname: Thomas

wikidata-repräsentation: Q979771

gnd-repräsentation: 1037565908

biografische angaben: 1976—81 Study and diploma by Bernhard Heisig, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. 1981—83 active as artist in painting, drawing and graphics. 1988 beside the artist activitys in painting, drawings and graphics also projects as a restorer of historical wallpainting and architectur-color. Member of the team from the famus artist painter Werner Tuebke in Bad Frankenhausen, a big wallpainting about the "Frühbürgerliche Revolution in Deutschland". Travels for study to Bulgaria, Russia, Skandinavia, Italy, Indonesia, Thailand. Different art projects in asia und europe. Many exhibitions in Germany and other countries. 2013 exhibition in the museum Bad Frankenhausen. 2008 Teacher and assistant for painting technology on the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig. Travels to Thailand and teaching on the University of art in BKK.