dieser beitrag wurde verfasst in: englisch (eng/en)
künstler (in grau: assistent/in): Diego Rivera, Mathew Barnes, Robert Boardman Howard
titel: Allegory (Riches) of California
jahr: 1930–1931
+: True fresco, 9 x 3,90 m (43.82 m2). Commissioned by Timothy Pflueger (1892—1946), the building's architect, by the arrangement of the sculptor Ralph Stackpole (1885—1973) who made the plastic decorations of the building. The painting shows the californian tennis star Helen Wills Moody (1905—1998) depicted as Allegory of California. Ralph Stackpole is portrayed holding the mockup plane in his hands and, tho his left, the muralist painter Victor Arnautoff.