www.mural.ch: werke

dieser beitrag wurde verfasst in: englisch (eng/en)

künstler: Juana Alicia, Miranda Bergman, Boanerges Cerrato, Nohelia Cerrato, Vicente Cerrato, Grupo Placa-Nica, Rosa López Hernández, Héctor Noel Méndez, Pablo Paisano, Ariella Seidenberg, Arch Williams

titel: El Amanecer: Against a huge flourishing chilamate tree, child and adult being taught to write by literacy campaign workers. Mass demonstration with children in the foreground and banners behind them. digging; picking cotton and coffee; music. In background a figure paints «Solidaridad» on pink banner that winds across whole mural, starting in blue and white and becoming reeland black over school.

jahr: 1986

adresse: Teachers' Union Building and Móngalo School, Plaza España, Parque de las Madres, Managua, Nicaragua

+: «By 1992, very faded; reconstituted and signed, bottom right, 'Reconstituiclo por Leonel Cerrato, Vicente Cerrato, David Kunzle, Orlando Pastora, Pablo Paisano Feb . 1993.'» (Kunzle 1995)