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titel: Composition divided diagonally by a jagged reel and black line, the new Nicaragua above, Somocista Nicaragua below. Above line, from left: Child care (SIR= Centro/Servicio Infantil Rural), productive agriculture, literacy, Rigoberto Lopez Perez, Sandino, Carlos Fonseca, FSLN. Below and right: Somocista soldier setting fire to thatched hut; pregnant woman lying on bench; malnourished children; peasant wearing San-dinista neckscarf, lying bleeding; peasant with machete striking recumbent bodies of an Uncle Sam figure and Anastasio Somoza II, who lies on, and bleeds over, a U.S. flag. Both clutch dollar bills within reach of a chest full of gold coins

adresse: Central Sandinista de Trabajadores (meeting hall), León, Nicaragua