www.mural.ch: werke

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künstler: Rafael Flores, Balthasar Gutiérrez, Klaus Klinger, Sönke Nissen, Carlos Pineda, Jorge Tovar

titel: «Our Land Is Made of Courage and Glory»: 1492: Nicaraguan pre-Columbian sculptures and local petroglyphs. Spanish and native arms and religious symbols, marking conquest. Cross floating in air. Footsteps left by native warriors. 1856: Pile of stones records those thrown by national boy hero Andrés Castro, with guns, footprints, stones, and cannon marking the invasion by William Walker and battle of San Jacinto where he was defeated. Photograph of General Benjamín Zeledón, with map dated 10 August 1912 showing the line of opposition to invading U.S. marines. 1912, 1926: Shadow of Sandino, with inscription, traced in sand, «Nuestra tierra esta hecha de vigor y de gloria». 1956: Pistol with which Rigoberto López Pérez shot Anastasio Somoza I in León lies atop letter addressed by López Pérez to his mother, 9 September 1956, with scroll of his violin nearby. 1959: Stone with León University emblem. Blood-drenched flags of Nicaragua and the university. Objects referring to the 23 July massacre of students in León. 1961: Manuscript of book by, and eyeglasses of, Carlos Fonseca. Barbed wire cut through. lnsurrectionary period: Tank of National Guard. Stones of barricade. Home-made hand grenades. Cartridges. Surviving end of horse from Somoza equestrian statue. Drum. Güegüense masks. A happier future: In green pasture two children. Leaving the desert. Run with blue and white kite aloft, toward lake with volcano in background

jahr: 1980–90

adresse: Plaza Héroes y Mártires (opposite cathedral), León, Nicaragua

+: 5 x 34, 5 x 48 m.

A collaboration of the Hamburg-León sister-city project. The same group did a companion mural in Hamburg, sponsored by the Referat für Kunst im offentlichen Raum of the Hamburg cultural authority, on the theme of the relations between Hamburg as a First World and León as a Third World city.