dieser beitrag wurde verfasst in: englisch (eng/en)
künstler: Freddy Gaitán Esconcio, Thelma Gómez Flores
titel: «Tragedia y Esperanza de Indoamérica»: Below stormy sky, Spanish conquest bringing torture and destruction, death and hunger, in exchange for gold. The capitalist triumphs, backed by the military and his predecessors, the conquistadores. Through a cross, symbolizing hope and peace, glimpses of an idyllic landscape representing environmental recovery. At the foot of the cross, the «figura pasionaria» of a native woman, symbol of humanity and the suffering of woman. A woman and a child embark on the road to a sunny future, gazing at symbols of the good life, and bad life (drugs, alcoholism)
jahr: 1992
adresse: Bufete Popular (entrance corridor), Masaya, Nicaragua
+: 3,5 x 3,5 m. Signed, top left «Thelma Gomez Flores, Freddy Gaitán Esconcio Nic. 10/92»