www.mural.ch: werke

dieser beitrag wurde verfasst in: englisch (eng/en)

künstler: Roberto Bermúdez R., Martin Chávez R., César García R., Sam Kerson, G. Roy Levin, Renatha Martínez S., Claudio Oviedo R., Erick Valle S.

titel: Todo será mejor: Nicaraguans look at album of Nazi concentration camp victims and embrace each other to symbolize alliance against all oppression. Defense of cultural heritage: Dance and theater. Nicaraguan and FSLN flags. Music. Armed defense. Shoemaking. Design and construction of houses. Botanical research. The dawning of the new age

jahr: 1990

adresse: Centro Deportivo de los Trabajadores Sandinistas (basketball court), Masaya, Nicaragua

+: 4,5 x 5,5 m, 4,5 x 11 m, 4,5 x 5,5 m. Theme proposed by Fernando Paladino, head of Cultura y Deportes del Comite Zonal del FSLN, Masaya, and Dr. Rammel Martfnez. Sponsored by Dragon Dance Theater, directed by Sam Kerson