www.mural.ch: werke

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künstler: César Gaitán, Freddy Gaitán Esconcio, Romulo Gaitán V., Thelma Gómez Flores, Marvin Kelly, Mauricio López, Madel, Rene Mercado

titel: Social degradation: Prostitution. Alcoholism. Hunger. Beggar holding U.S. fruit juice can as alms bowl. Indigenous craftspeople at work. Pyramid surmounted by chief Diriangén. Church. Lakeside with arrival of conquistadores. Enslavement of natives. Skyscrapers arising from a banner held by skeletons inscribed «Ni robar, ni matar indios se tuvo en estas lndias por crimen». Seventeen crosses, each marked with the name of an indigenous people exterminated

jahr: 1992

adresse: lndustria Nacional de Clavos y Alambre de Puas Silvio Renazco INCA (Oficina de sindicato), Masaya, Nicaragua

+: 3 x 3,5 m