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The J. F. Kennedy Memorial, a mosaic mural to John F. Kennedy, by Kenneth Budd on Floodgate Street, Digbeth, Eastside, Birmingham, West Midlands.

ill. Kenneth Budd mural, Birmingham

«The mosaic was erected on St Chad's Circus, outside the City's Roman Catholic St Chad's Cathedral, in July 1968, at a cost of £5,000. When the road system was redeveloped in 2007 the mosaic was demolished. Key features, including the heads of some of the main figures, were retrieved and retained by Kenneth Budd's son Oliver.

In 2012 it was re-created using new materials. The new mosaic was erected in January 2013, in the city's Irish Quarter, on Floodgate Street in Digbeth, in reworked form, including the controversial addition of a new face, that of former Lord Mayor of Birmingham Mike Nangle, the city's first Irish Lord Mayor. The work was overseen by Budd's son, Oliver, who worked from his father's original drawings. The retained sections were not used as the colours had faded and would not match the new Smalti mosiac tiles. A formal unveiling took place on 23 February 2013.

Featured alongside Kennedy in the mosaic are his brother Teddy, the Seal of the President of the United States (using real gold), Martin Luther King, American policemen and other figures.» (Ben Abel on flickr, 2017)

mural.ch 2004–2024

  • Основана в 2004 году Алексом Винигером в качестве справочной документации для собственных комиссий по росписи
  • В сети в 2006 году, как mural.ch
  • Первая запись о работах в 2007 году, 1000 работ, документально подтвержденных к 2008 году.
  • Редизайн 2016 года для повышения производительности и отображения
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